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Chapter I Terms and conditions of awarding the Elbląg Starost’s Patronage

§ 1. These terms and conditions specify the rules of awarding and executing the Starost’s Patronage over all types of events such as sports competitions, cultural events, contests, fairs, etc.) with local and supralocal reach, hereinafter referred to as “undertakings”.
In justified cases, the Starost may decide to award the Elbląg Starost’s Patronage to undertakings with a reach other than specified in § 1 sec. 1.
2. Only the Elbląg Starost has the right to award the Elbląg Starost’s Patronage as a distinction that underlines the special nature of undertakings organized in the Elbląg District.
§ 2.1. The Starost may become a patron of undertakings designed to fulfill tasks on a district level and to accomplish objectives of district development strategy and district programs which, in particular, help:
- promote the district
- integrate local and regional communities
- stimulate business activity
- develop sports, tourism and culture
- fulfill social policy
- protect the environment

3. The Starost shall not become a patron of undertakings that are purely commercial or doubtful in - terms of breaching ethics.

§ 3. The patronage is an honorary distinction.

§ 4.1. The awarding of the patronage is not directly connected with the granting of financial support by the Elbląg district.

2. The awarding of the Elbląg Starost’s Patronage may justify the spending of district funds, particularly on the purchase of statuettes, cups and other non-cash prizes.

§ 5. Information about the awarding of the Elbląg Starost’s Patronage is published on the website of the District Starosty in Elbląg and delivered by traditional means to the applicant.

Chapter II Persons authorized to apply for the Elbląg Starost’s Patronage

§ 6. The application for awarding the Elbląg Starost’s Patronage to an undertaking shall be submitted by the organizer.

§ 7. The organizer of an undertaking that is a mass event shall ensure the fulfillment of requirements specified in the act on mass event safety of 22 August 1997 Journal of Laws 2005, No. 108, item 909 as amended)

§ 8. The application mentioned in § 6 shall be submitted through a form available on the website of the District Starosty in Elbląg: or to the Secretariat of the District Starosty in Elbląg at ul. Saperów 14A room 106, Elbląg. The specimen of application for the Elbląg Starost’s

§ 9.1 Patronage is included in annex no. 1 to these Terms and conditions.
The date of submission of application for the Elbląg Starost’s Patronage cannot be later than 3 months before the planned date of the organized undertaking.

2. Applications submitted after that date shall not be considered.

3. In special justified cases, the Starost may consider applications submitted after the date specified in § 9 sec. 1.

Chapter III The procedure of the Elbląg Starost’s Patronage

§ 10.1. The organizer submits an application for the Elbląg Starost’s Patronage over a given undertaking to the Elbląg Starost.

2. The application shall be delivered to the Secretariat of the District Starosty in Elbląg in person or by mail to the following address: Starostwo Powiatowe w Elblągu, ul. Saperów 14A, 82-300 Elbląg, Poland.

§ 11.1. The submitted application for the Elbląg Starost’s Patronage is forwarded to the appropriate Head of the District Starosty Department for professional opinion on whether the awarding of Patronage is justified.

2. The opinion is issued within 14 days from the date of application submission.

§ 12. Once the opinion of the appropriate Head of the Department is issued, the application is forwarded to the Elbląg Starost.

§ 13.1. Information on whether the application for Patronage is accepted or rejected is provided to the applicant within 30 days from the date of application submission.

2. The rejection of application for the Elbląg Starost’s Patronage does not require justification.

§ 14.1. If the Elbląg Starost’s Patronage is awarded, the organizer is obliged to submit a written information about the proceedings of the undertaking.

2. The organizer is obliged to deliver this information to the Secretariat of the District Starosty within 5 days from the end of the undertaking. If possible, the submitted information should include photographs documenting the proceedings of the undertaking.

§ 15. The records concerning submitted applications for the Elbląg Starost’s Patronage and information on the proceedings of undertakings to which Patronage applies are kept by the Secretariat of District Starosty in Elbląg.

§ 16.1 When a given undertaking is awarded the Starost’s Patronage, the organizer is responsible for informing the media about it, for publishing appropriate information in the press and other publications as well as for preparing visualizations of the Patronage by placing district symbols around the location of the undertaking and on informational and promotional materials, i.e. posters, advertisements, invitations, etc.

2. During the undertaking to which the Elbląg Starost’s Patronage applies, the organizer is responsible for placing the promotional signs of the Elbląg District where they are visible.

3. The organizer shall enclose the designs of promotional materials with proposed locations of district symbols to the application for the Elbląg Starost’s Patronage.

§ 17. In the case of periodic events, the Starost’s Patronage is awarded to one edition at each time.

§ 18. Failing to fulfill the obligations described in § 14 and § 15 may be the basis for rejecting the undertaking organizer’s application for the Elbląg Starost’s Patronage in the future.

Chapter IV Cancellation of the Elbląg Starost’s Patronage

§ 19. In special justified cases, based on an opinion issued by the appropriate Head of the District Starosty Department in Elbląg, the Elbląg Starost may cancel the previously-awarded Patronage. The organizer is informed about the Patronage cancellation immediately.
§ 20. If the Elbląg Starost’s Patronage is cancelled, the organizer is obliged to immediately stop using the distinction awarded to the applicant

Below are attachments with the patronage application form.

Olsztyn Mazury
zwiazek powiatow polskich
150 lat Kanału Elbląskiego
kraina kanalu elblaskiego
Stowarzyszenie Łączy Nas Kanał Elbląski
Olsztyn Mazury
zwiazek powiatow polskich
150 lat Kanału Elbląskiego
kraina kanalu elblaskiego
Stowarzyszenie Łączy Nas Kanał Elbląski
zwiazek powiatow polskich
150 lat Kanału Elbląskiego
kraina kanalu elblaskiego
Stowarzyszenie Łączy Nas Kanał Elbląski
ul. Saperów 14 A, 82-300 Elbląg tel. 55/ 239-49-00, 239-49-09

NIP Starostwa Powiatowego w Elblągu: 578-25-24-428
REGON: 170753615
NIP Powiatu Elbląskiego: 578-30-55-579
REGON: 170747690
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