Przejdź do treści.

The preserved cultural heritage, rich history, unique archeological excavation sites, remarkable tourist value of natural landscape, numerous forests and surface waters are all good conditions for the development of various forms of rest and recreation. Due to the lay of the land, the following types of landscape can be found in the Elbląg district: alluvial, delta, lake/marsh, plains and moraine hills, lakeland hills, valleys and plains. Due to the existence of areas with remarkable natural value, a network of legally protected valuable natural areas was established, including nature forest, ornithological, flora, peat bog) reserves, the Elbląg Upland Landscape Park and protected landscape areas. The Elbląg district boasts many interesting tourist trails, including:
- Copernicus Trail that crosses a town visited by Nicolaus Copernicus
- St. Adalbert Trail from Elbląg to Święty Gaj - the place of St. Adalbert’s martyrdom
- water trail on the Elbląg Canal with a set of five slipways
- fairway on the Elbląg river and the Vistula Lagoon
- cycling, hiking and horseback riding routes across Elbląg Upland

A unique phenomenon in lowland areas is the Drużno Lake reserve, classified as an international reserve. It boasts ca. 180 species of marsh birds and waterfowl. It is the breeding area and sanctuary for rare species. The lake is crossed by a fairway that leads towards slipways on the Elbląg Canal. The canal is one of the most interesting - in tourist and technical terms - water trails across the world. It is 129.8 km long and includes an 80.4 km section between Ostróda and Elbląg. Taking lake branches into account, the total canal length is 187.2 km. The unique technical equipment of the slipways in Buczyniec, Kąty, Oleśnica, Jelenie and Całuny as well as a beautiful and diverse landscape along this route make it a one-of-a-kind tourist attraction in Europe.
Despite the damage incurred during the war and various social changes, this region still enchants with its rich and beautiful landscape, the remains of cultural heritage, distinctive buildings and numerous historic sites and monuments. The noteworthy places include: castles, palaces, manor houses, sacred architecture, cemeteries, rural and urban buildings from the Middle Ages and the modern era.

Tourist organizations

Polish Touring Society
Elbląg Regional Department
st. Krótka 5, 82-300 Elbląg
Chairman- Marian Tomaszewski

Useful links and addresses

Tourist Information Office in Tolkmicko
st. Świętojańska 1, 82-340 Tolkmicko
tel./fax 055 -231- 61- 82

Ostróda-Elbląg Navigation
Ministry of Sport and Tourism
Tourist Information in Elbląg
Vistula Lagoon website
Olsztyn Mazury
zwiazek powiatow polskich
150 lat Kanału Elbląskiego
kraina kanalu elblaskiego
Stowarzyszenie Łączy Nas Kanał Elbląski
Olsztyn Mazury
zwiazek powiatow polskich
150 lat Kanału Elbląskiego
kraina kanalu elblaskiego
Stowarzyszenie Łączy Nas Kanał Elbląski
zwiazek powiatow polskich
150 lat Kanału Elbląskiego
kraina kanalu elblaskiego
Stowarzyszenie Łączy Nas Kanał Elbląski
ul. Saperów 14 A, 82-300 Elbląg tel. 55/ 239-49-00, 239-49-09

NIP Starostwa Powiatowego w Elblągu: 578-25-24-428
REGON: 170753615
NIP Powiatu Elbląskiego: 578-30-55-579
REGON: 170747690
Copyright © 2015 Powiat Elbląski
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